“read if you like boring books” about daisy jones made me feel so seen 😂

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Aug 3Author

I’m so glad to have company on those thoughts!

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I’ve only read Funny Story and don’t really intend to read any others of hers, just not my thing 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Aug 3Author

Totally get it!

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I agree with you on Happy Place. I just could not connect or relate too any of the characters in the story, and just felt the story as a whole was about out of touch. It's the last in my ranking Em Hen ranking. I was very underwhelmed. lol

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Aug 3Author

Yes! By the end I was so underwhelmed!

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Reading your thoughts on Daisy Jones, I’m convinced I wouldn’t have loved it as much and would have had a very different experience if I didn’t listen to it on audio (full-cast!) which brought it to life. I agree about the series adaptation, as much as I liked the book this story was really made to be on screen! I was skeptical with the casting for Billy at first until I actually watched it - so good!

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Aug 2Author

Agreed on all of that! I know I would not have even been able to stand the book had I read the physical copy.

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